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February 10, 2018

X-Men Gold #19 (Marvel Comics)

The colors of this issue are bright, which is good.  I prefer bright colors to dark ones.  I realize not every scene can be scene can be set at night and I don't expect that at all.  It's just, some comics use dark and grimy colors often. That's not so with X-Men Gold.
The detail is exquisit.  Storm's ass is drawn like they did in the 1990's, with form.  The huge monster is beautiful the way he was drawn and colored.  It's this type of artwork that makes me want to read the next panal and page so quickly, to find out what happens next! 
On the next page, we see Storm fly off with Kitty Pryde.  This is simply because they had somewhere to be and Kitty can't fly and Storm can.  We see Storm placing her hand around Kitty Pryde just under her breast.  Then if you look to the other side of the panel, you see Kitty placing her hand on Storm's breast.  Now I know some of you are laughing at me right now.  I know that I am totally off on this because in order to hold a person tight, even when helping them up from a fall, an arm needs to be placed around the waist.  This is just a slight suggestion that is hard to miss. However, I know there will not be anything more than teamwork between Storm and Kitty Pryde in the future. 

My rating is Excellent.

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