Spirit Comics Calendar

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February 5, 2018

Welcome To Spirit Comics!

Hi, I'm Michael, the one behind Spirit Comics.  I plan on writing my own characters, but will they ever be published? That will remain to be seen in the future.  I'm a fan of comic books.  I would love to have my own comic book company, that's why I started Spirit Comics on the internet, to hopefully network with artists and editors who may share my vision.  I would like to be mentored by professional writers so I can better my writing ability.  I'm also a big fan of DC Comics and I like Marvel Comics too. Plus Titan Comics (who puts out Robotech), IDW Publishing (who puts out Optimus Prime), BOOM Studios (who puts out the Power Rangers comics) and Dynamite Comics (who put out so many GOOD comics).  I will be posting the video reviews that I've already done  and I will also be writing reviews too.  So please enjoy Spirit Comics!

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