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February 28, 2018

Superwoman #18 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This series was cancelled a couple months ago. The last issue, this one, came out on January 10.  
This was a bittersweatending to a series that honestly, never received proper recognition.  It has bright coloring, breath-taking artwork and the story was so good, it almost brought tears to my eyes.  This was the first "Super" book to get the ax (probably due in part to Brian Michael Bendis after he came to DC Comics). Some didn't like it but I certainly did.  I will miss Superwoman (Lana Lang).
My rating is Excellent.


Avengers #675 (Marvel Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This is the beginning of "No Surrender," a 16 part series that is currently running weekly. The artwork is steller and so is the coloring. Captain Marvel actually looks like a FEMALE! I am SO glad for that! She has been needing to look more feminine.  However, the story is all over the place, but it's WAY more focused than Doomsday Clock. Rogue's hair looks kinda strange to me.  Scarlet Witch looks very seductive.  Then there's the new Avenger called "Voyager." We, the readers got a preview of her when Marvel Legacy #1 came out some time back.
My rating is Good.

Phoenix Resurrection #3 (Marvel Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This had great story telling.  The artwork was beautiful. I really enjoyed this issue from start to finish! If you didn't know, this saga combined the teams of X-Men Blue, Astonishing X-Men, Weapon X and X-Men Gold. I highly recommend you buy this issue if you haven't already.
My rating is Excellent.

Harley Quinn: Be Careful What You Wishh For #1 Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This book was HILARIOUS! This is a one shot written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti.  Harley finds a magic lamp, and chaos ensues! I won't even give any hints as to what happens. It had a great story and the artwork was beautiful! This is the variant cover, I didn't care much for the regular one. Besides, Harley Quinn in lingerie, that has me sold! Plus look at those breasts on the cover, I'm still sold!
 My rating is Excellent.

Action Comics #995 Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

While Superman and Booster Gold battle in the 25th century, Lois Lane and Jon Kent (her son if you don't know) attempt to rescue her Dad (a general). The U.S. government refuses to acknowledge his capture so they intend to rescue Sam Lane!
This is a heart wrentching tale of how Booster Gold came to be. It has excellent coloring, artwork and story telling.
My rating is Excellent.

February 23, 2018

(News) Iris West Will Become The Flash (SJW's Will Rejoice) 2/23/2018 (SPIRIT COMICS)

For those of you (like myself) who have been watching "The Flash" (DC Comics) TV show, you will probably not enjoy this news if you have been dissatified with the writing or casting.

This piece of news is basically about Barry Allen taking a back seat to Iris West.  It would be nice if the show would reflect The Flash comic book for a change.
I however, am not rejoicing.
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February 21, 2018

Detective Comics #972 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

The struggle of Clay Face to remain human is a great story.
This is one that you should be reading.
It is a reflection on how we as humans do our best each day with what we have.
The coloring, artwork and dialogue serve to make this story wonderful.
My rating is Excellent.

Titans #19 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

In this issue we have drama, tension and struggle amongst team members.
The Justice League stepping in was a interesting part,
The artwork and coloring are great.
This series continues to grow.
My rating is Excellent.

Red Hood And The Outlaws #18 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

Bizarro continues to keep Red Hood and Artemis in the dark about what's really going on.
The mood is funny yet serious.  Great drawing, artwork and excellent story telling.
My rating is Excellent.

X-Men Blue #19 (Marvel Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

The time displaced mutants get home but it's not the home that they remember,
Good artwork and good coloring.
The pacing was kinda hard to follow.
My rating is Good.

X-Men Gold Annual #1 (Marvel Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

The 30th anniversary of the Excalibur team! Originally I was disappointed that this story wasn't longer.  However, the extra story at the end was so heart warming, it had me crying.
Excellent coloring, artwork and story telling!
My rating is Excellent. Great job X-Men Gold team!

Batman #38 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This is not the origin of Bruce Wayne, despite what the cover says.  
This is a story that goes nowhere fast. It doesn't link to the previous issue. 
It's basically a stand alone story that has no direction. 
The artwork and coloring are it's only saving grace.
My rating is Poor.

(News) Supergirl Has Been Cancelled (2/21/2018) SPIRIT COMICS

I found out today that DC Comics is on the warpath, cancelling several titles.  One of them is Supergirl, a title that I had been following since Rebirth began in 2016.
Why Supergirl has been cancelled remains unknown. However, I wouldn't doubt that it had something to do with Brian Michael Bendis taking over 2 of the "Super" titles, Action Comics and Superman.
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February 20, 2018

My First Attempt At Sketching Wonder Girl (Donna Troy)

As part of a "sketchjam" on twitter, I attempted to sketch Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) from the 1980's
I did enjoy the attempt.

February 17, 2018

New Comic Book Day (February 14, 2018) SPIRIT COMICS

February 14th was Valentine's Day.  It was also New Comic Book Day.  So I hope you bought some comics for your loved one.  This is what I bought on New Comic Book Day.
From DC Comics: SUPERGIRL #18 (variant), ACTION COMICS #997,
RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #19 (the first page alone is a reson to buy this comic!), 
HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #38 (with Ethan Van-Sciver back doing the artwork!),
From Marvel Comics: CAPTAIN AMERICA #698, AVENGERS #680, X-MEN BLUE #21,
From Aspen Comics: CHARISMAGIC #1 
Regardless if you bought some comics for your loved one or not, don't forget to tell them every day, that you love them.

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February 16, 2018

Captain America #687 (Marvel Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This is (I believe) the conclusion to "Home Home Of The Brave." Captain America is now being written by Mark WaidCaptain America has been traveling across America (not the girl Haha) to rediscover himself since the whole "Secret Empire" deal that I didn't read (exccept for a few Tie-Ins - X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue and The Mighty Captain Marvel).
Anyway, the story pacing is good, it never slows down at all.  The artwork is good, though the coloring seems kinda muddy at times.  This issue had great story telling.
My rating is Great.

Bombshells United #9 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

Finally, a male character enters the Bombshells United universe.  Sadly, it's a evil character, Black Adam.  I hope this Isis isn't given the power of Shazam.  I do like that the character Isis is shown as strong by the way she dances.  A woman character can be strong and feminine at the same time, that's something many seem to forget.
The pacing is quick and the story flows.
The only flaw I could see is Black Adam is a Prince of The Pyramid, but to a Kingdom that doesn't treat dancing girls as a possession.  I thought kingdoms like that saw dancing girls as slaves.  
The (fictional) kingdom mentioned in the story is set in the middle east.
My rating for Bombshells United #9 is Good

February 15, 2018

Justice League #36 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This issue was suspenseful and filled with mystery! This story arc had the potential to be great.  It could have spanned across several titles, but wasn't.  DC really dropped the ball on this one.  Christopher Priest wrote a great story that DC could have capitalized on, but they are too busy with their "Metal" event.

Regardless of DC's mishandling this story, there was great coloring but yet the artwork was rough and kinda sloppy in places,
My rating is Fair.

February 14, 2018

Nightwing #36 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

I don't have much to say about this issue.
It has constant action.
The dialogue is breif between characters.
The pacing is steady and the coloring is great.
I found the artwork to be very detailed which is something that always draws me into a book.
My rating is Great.  If you a more detailed review, just send me an email.

Superman #38 (DC Comics) Comic Book Review (SPIRIT COMICS)

This saga continues. The New 52 characters of Conner Kent (Superman), Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Woman) and Bart Allen (A Reverse Flash) are introduced.  The use of bright colors, well drawn characters with Robin's (Damian Wayne) own brand of humor make this a great read.  The only part I don't like is the bad guy (Tim Drake), who calls himself "Savior," saves the day, or at least it seems that way.
My rating is Great.

Superman #37 (RE-RECORDED) Comic Book Review (DC Comics)

Superman #37 is where the saga "Super Sons Of Tomorrow" begins! This is a crossover between Superman, Super Sons and Teen Titans.  This new set up was inspired by comic book artist Dawn McTeigue.  I have to give a big THANK YOU to her for that. :)

If you want to check her work out, here are two links.

This review had to be re-recorded because I discovered some problems with the first review of Superman #37.
Tim Drake is back wearing a Batman suit, but what does he want this time? He starts at Wayne Manor taking on Bruce Wayne.  Then he moves to the artic for a confrontation with Superman, but why?

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Please like and share this review with others. Thank you!

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February 11, 2018

My Original Characters: Lady Valentine (SPIRIT COMICS)

Idea For Lady Valentine's Backstory

This came to me a few hours ago.  I decided to blog my thoughts since right now my notebooks are at home.  

I have told people before that I have my own characters, that I just haven't gotten to writing a story with them yet.  This is true.  I believe the reason for this, in part, is I haven't decided on a source of their powers.  I hadn't given thought to my beloved character "LADY VALENTINE" for a while.  I didn't decide on that name because of Valentine's Day.  I've been working on this in my head for roughly 2 years now.  My notes on Lady Valentine are at home so I can't go into great detail about her backstory.  She has a dash of "Cinderella" and a dash of "Wonder Woman" in her backstory.  However, it would be unfair to say that she's just like either character, cause she isn't.

She comes from a secret island that is located 500 miles off the coast of California.  This is subject to change until I have her origin solidified.  

She was born in 1900 but chose to remain in the form of a child for many decades.  The island which she called home allowed her that ability.  She enjoyed being taken care of.   Really, what person doesn't enjoy being taken care of, having your every need met, when you are in need?

Because of the harsh treatment from her mother, Sophia (her real name) decides to leave the island.  She chooses the form of a 25 year old young lady.

How did she do this? Well beneath the island where she was born, is a pool of water.  Some would refer to it as a 'fountain of youth.' Before she left the island, she went and bathed in the pool.  This would give her eternal youth, plus a little extra strength and muscle in addition to what she already had from her training on the island.  She would never age, at least not visibly. Sophia would continue to mature, become wiser and smarter as she learned from her environment.

February 10, 2018

X-Men Gold #19 (Marvel Comics)

The colors of this issue are bright, which is good.  I prefer bright colors to dark ones.  I realize not every scene can be scene can be set at night and I don't expect that at all.  It's just, some comics use dark and grimy colors often. That's not so with X-Men Gold.
The detail is exquisit.  Storm's ass is drawn like they did in the 1990's, with form.  The huge monster is beautiful the way he was drawn and colored.  It's this type of artwork that makes me want to read the next panal and page so quickly, to find out what happens next! 
On the next page, we see Storm fly off with Kitty Pryde.  This is simply because they had somewhere to be and Kitty can't fly and Storm can.  We see Storm placing her hand around Kitty Pryde just under her breast.  Then if you look to the other side of the panel, you see Kitty placing her hand on Storm's breast.  Now I know some of you are laughing at me right now.  I know that I am totally off on this because in order to hold a person tight, even when helping them up from a fall, an arm needs to be placed around the waist.  This is just a slight suggestion that is hard to miss. However, I know there will not be anything more than teamwork between Storm and Kitty Pryde in the future. 

My rating is Excellent.

Astonishing X-Men #7 (Marvel Comics)

This issue can be summed up in a few words. Charles Xavier is back from the astral plane.  Is it really him? The artwork is better and the coloring is brighter.  The figures and shapes are more well defined.  The story pacing is good as is the dialogue.  This issue ends on a cliffhanger,  My rating is Great. 

New Comic Book Day (February 7, 2018) SPIRIT COMICS

New Comic Book Day is the day each comic book collector looks forward to each week.  This is what I bought on February 7, 2018.  Please do subsribe to my channel, ring the bell, like and share the video with others. Thank you!

February 8, 2018

January Comic Book Review

It took quite a long time to compile.  However, here is my first Comic Book Review video for the month of January. I plan on doing these at the end of each month.  The video starts off with images of the Poor issues, then moves to Fair, Good, Great and then Excellent.  Now my definition of these words might differ from yours.  Just because I think a issue is Excellent doesn't mean that everyone will for example.  I hope you enjoy he video and please subscribe to my channel for updates on future videos. 

February 5, 2018

Rogue & Gambit #1 (Marvel Comics)

This is lighthearted. The exchange between Gambit and Rogue about their past love life is very funny! Kitty Pryde fumbling with her words as she attempts to tell Rogue that a romantic couple is the reason she was picked for this mission is priceless! I laughed and laughed, I enjoyed the whole book! Rogue and Gambit had me smiling the entire time.  I could not pick out a favorite part if I tried. I highly recommend you buy #1!
My rating is Excellent

Phoenix Resurrection #2 (Marvel Comics)

This issue has beautiful artwork and coloring! In this issue we are re-introduced to some old characters. Plus, if you read really careful, you will see some Easter Eggs.  I won't give them away, but it has something to do with The Phoenix a few decades ago.  Cable gets fried by Cerebro. This issue was thrilling and suspensful! My rating: Excellent

Phoenix Resurrection #1 (Marvel Comics)

I was excited when I heard that the Phoenix was coming back, and for good reason, that meant the original Jean Grey was coming back! Yeah we had the time-displaced teen Jean but there's nothing like the beautiful Adult Jean GreyPhoenix Resurrection #1 has a lenticular cover, and a very good one at that! The cover is beautiful! Showing the Phoenix consuming all the X-Men (Colossus, Storm, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde and Logan) in fire, showing she's back with a vengeance!
The story opens up with a girl and boy riding bycycles.  They run across what seems to be a dead girl with brown hair. The boy approaches her saying "Hello?" which is strange because there is blood streaming from her head.  He isn't shocked or stunned at all.
Then the boy and girl notice that she has no eyes. Yet they don't run away.  I have to give it to Matthew Rosenburg, that guy wrote those 2 just right. In this day and age there is very little that should scare any of us. The dead brown haired girl gets up and says something backwards, which I think is a spell and reminds me of Zatanna from DC Comics, because that's how she casts spells.  Now the puzzling aspect of the scene with the girl saying something backwards is that the order in which she speaks. In one issue of Detective Comics (DC Comics) there was a scene in which Zatanna cast the spell (for Batman) "tius pu," which is "suit up" said backwards. This girl not only says something backwards but she says the words in a reverse order. "Daed ffo retteb erew ew." Now when you reverse that, this is what she is saying "Dead off better were we." Maybe it's part of the spell (which was never explored sadly), I don't know.  However, it would have sounded better if she had said "Ew erew retteb ffo daed," which is "We were better off dead."  I don't know why Matthew Rosenburg chose to have her say "Daed" first instead of "Ew" but it made for suspesful reading.
A cute red headed girl appears out of nowhere and the brown headed dead girl disappears.  The red headed girl wants to play frisbee.  By this time the boy and girl are freaking out. They have no idea what's going on.  The red headed girl asks if the boy and girl are ready then throws a pigeon up in the air.  It takes flight and so does she.  The red headed girl had been wearing a black dress but it changes to white when she takes flight and disappears.  The X-Men Gold team arrive on the scene 2 hours later to find the local police standing over the bodies of the two kids who are levitating off the ground.  It's kinda strange that Storm is leading the way since she is no longer the leader.  Then something very strange happens. Rachel Grey starts to wander off and she says under her breath "Daed ff retteb," which is "Better off dead," part of what the brown headed girl spoke.  Rachel Grey is a psychic, not a witch so that rules out the theory of a spell. Why Rachel said those words backwards is never elaborated on.
Kitty Pryde calls ALL of the X-Men teams together: Astonighing X-Men, Weapon X, X-Men Blue (minus teen Jean), Generation X (I think) and X-Men Gold.  She tells them what's going on, about Cerebro picking up some weird readings that aren't mutant in origon and hands the floor over to the Elder Hank McCoy (The Beast) who tells them a lot of science mumbo jumbo that is difficult even for me to understand.  Sabertooth interupts and says "That's it? We're all here for a couple of floating kids?" Kitty Pryde states "Whatever caused this, Creed, put Rachel in the infirmary-- just for being in it's proximity." That is something we, the readers didn't see.  That is a little plot line which could have been explored.  Hank and Kitty tell everyone about all the weird stuff which is happening all over the world.  Kitty decides that they will split into 3 teams.  Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, Storm, Magik, Colossus and Nightcrawler go to The Former Hellfire Club (66th St and 5th Ave in Manhatten). Rogue, teen Cyclops, teen Iceman, teen Angel and teen Hank McCoy go to Mont Saint Francis (in France). Logan, Sabertooth, Lady Deathstrike, Psylocke, Warpath and Laura Kenny (the current Wolverine) go to The North Pole. What follows that is all 3 teams getting into fight after fight so there's a LOT of Action. Logan's team sees something really strange but it's something that fans will be glad about.  Is it a illusion? Well it probably is but to see those colors back, that figure is something I really like! If you want to find out what it is, buy the comic book. Jubilee is still a vampire, which is something I had forgotten about. Rogue leading the X-Men Blue team just seems right.  She's commanding and the X-Men Blue team seem to respond to her leading them.   All 3 teams stop fighting at one point when they are no longer being attacked, then they see somthing in the sky.. Jean Grey, the adult, is seen working in a diner and there is a reveal at the end. If you want to know what it is, buy the comic book.  My rating for Phoenix Resurrection #1 is Excellent

Green Lanterns #38 (DC Comics)

I don't have much to say about this one. Good artwork, great coloring, slow pacing and little action. It's a decption of a trusted daughter.  The Lanterns get further involved in a political war. 
"A World Of Our Own" Part 2. Published on January 3rd. Rating: Good

Welcome To Spirit Comics!

Hi, I'm Michael, the one behind Spirit Comics.  I plan on writing my own characters, but will they ever be published? That will remain to be seen in the future.  I'm a fan of comic books.  I would love to have my own comic book company, that's why I started Spirit Comics on the internet, to hopefully network with artists and editors who may share my vision.  I would like to be mentored by professional writers so I can better my writing ability.  I'm also a big fan of DC Comics and I like Marvel Comics too. Plus Titan Comics (who puts out Robotech), IDW Publishing (who puts out Optimus Prime), BOOM Studios (who puts out the Power Rangers comics) and Dynamite Comics (who put out so many GOOD comics).  I will be posting the video reviews that I've already done  and I will also be writing reviews too.  So please enjoy Spirit Comics!