I was excited when I heard that the Phoenix was coming back, and for good reason, that meant the original Jean Grey was coming back! Yeah we had the time-displaced teen Jean but there's nothing like the beautiful Adult Jean Grey. Phoenix Resurrection #1 has a lenticular cover, and a very good one at that! The cover is beautiful! Showing the Phoenix consuming all the X-Men (Colossus, Storm, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde and Logan) in fire, showing she's back with a vengeance!
The story opens up with a girl and boy riding bycycles. They run across what seems to be a dead girl with brown hair. The boy approaches her saying "Hello?" which is strange because there is blood streaming from her head. He isn't shocked or stunned at all.

Then the boy and girl notice that she has no eyes. Yet they don't run away. I have to give it to Matthew Rosenburg, that guy wrote those 2 just right. In this day and age there is very little that should scare any of us. The dead brown haired girl gets up and says something backwards, which I think is a spell and reminds me of Zatanna from DC Comics, because that's how she casts spells. Now the puzzling aspect of the scene with the girl saying something backwards is that the order in which she speaks. In one issue of Detective Comics (DC Comics) there was a scene in which Zatanna cast the spell (for Batman) "tius pu," which is "suit up" said backwards. This girl not only says something backwards but she says the words in a reverse order. "Daed ffo retteb erew ew." Now when you reverse that, this is what she is saying "Dead off better were we." Maybe it's part of the spell (which was never explored sadly), I don't know. However, it would have sounded better if she had said "Ew erew retteb ffo daed," which is "We were better off dead." I don't know why Matthew Rosenburg chose to have her say "Daed" first instead of "Ew" but it made for suspesful reading.

A cute red headed girl appears out of nowhere and the brown headed dead girl disappears. The red headed girl wants to play frisbee. By this time the boy and girl are freaking out. They have no idea what's going on. The red headed girl asks if the boy and girl are ready then throws a pigeon up in the air. It takes flight and so does she. The red headed girl had been wearing a black dress but it changes to white when she takes flight and disappears. The X-Men Gold team arrive on the scene 2 hours later to find the local police standing over the bodies of the two kids who are levitating off the ground. It's kinda strange that Storm is leading the way since she is no longer the leader. Then something very strange happens. Rachel Grey starts to wander off and she says under her breath "Daed ff retteb," which is "Better off dead," part of what the brown headed girl spoke. Rachel Grey is a psychic, not a witch so that rules out the theory of a spell. Why Rachel said those words backwards is never elaborated on.

Kitty Pryde calls ALL of the X-Men teams together: Astonighing X-Men, Weapon X, X-Men Blue (minus teen Jean), Generation X (I think) and X-Men Gold. She tells them what's going on, about Cerebro picking up some weird readings that aren't mutant in origon and hands the floor over to the Elder Hank McCoy (The Beast) who tells them a lot of science mumbo jumbo that is difficult even for me to understand. Sabertooth interupts and says "That's it? We're all here for a couple of floating kids?" Kitty Pryde states "Whatever caused this, Creed, put Rachel in the infirmary-- just for being in it's proximity." That is something we, the readers didn't see. That is a little plot line which could have been explored. Hank and Kitty tell everyone about all the weird stuff which is happening all over the world. Kitty decides that they will split into 3 teams. Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, Storm, Magik, Colossus and Nightcrawler go to The Former Hellfire Club (66th St and 5th Ave in Manhatten). Rogue, teen Cyclops, teen Iceman, teen Angel and teen Hank McCoy go to Mont Saint Francis (in France). Logan, Sabertooth, Lady Deathstrike, Psylocke, Warpath and Laura Kenny (the current Wolverine) go to The North Pole. What follows that is all 3 teams getting into fight after fight so there's a LOT of Action. Logan's team sees something really strange but it's something that fans will be glad about. Is it a illusion? Well it probably is but to see those colors back, that figure is something I really like! If you want to find out what it is, buy the comic book. Jubilee is still a vampire, which is something I had forgotten about. Rogue leading the X-Men Blue team just seems right. She's commanding and the X-Men Blue team seem to respond to her leading them. All 3 teams stop fighting at one point when they are no longer being attacked, then they see somthing in the sky.. Jean Grey, the adult, is seen working in a diner and there is a reveal at the end. If you want to know what it is, buy the comic book. My rating for Phoenix Resurrection #1 is Excellent